Vladimir Poutine: « Je vais révéler l’existence de Nibiru au monde entier », Octobre 2016

Date de l’article: 9 octobre 2016

Source de l’article: http://www.someonesbones.com/blog/vladimir-putin-i-will-tell-the-world-about-nibiru/


D'après Scott C. Waring:


"Elle fait les grands titres en Russie, l’un des trois pays les plus puissants du monde. Poutine sait bien sûr tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur Nibiru / la Planète X et son orbite de 10,000 à 20,000 années quand elle passe près de la Terre.

On dirait bien qu’il est prêt à dire tout ce qu’il sait au public si jamais Trump perd la course à la présidentielle. C’est une excellente nouvelle pour tous les chercheurs. Bravo Poutine!"




Dans une interview à la Pravda, le président Russe Vladimir Poutine a implicitement déclaré qu’il dirait la vérité sur Nibiru si Donald J. Trump n'était pas élu à l élection présidentielle américaine..


Au mois de Juillet et d’Août, nous avons publié une série d’articles sur la guerre secrète qui a fait rage pendant plus de 3 décennies entre le Kremlin et la Maison Blanche. Un accord secret aurait été passé en Trump et Poutine : si Trump est élu il divulguera, sinon Poutine le fera à sa place !


[…] Poutine a ainsi promis de divulguer toutes les informations sur Nibiru le 8 novembre si Trump ne remporte pas les élections. En effet à la lumière des événements récents Poutine n 'exclut pas l'échec de Trump, et Poutine déteste Hillary Clinton; il attend le résultat de l'élection de 08/11/2016 avant de faire une éventuelle déclaration



Article original 


"In a candid interview with Pravda, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated implicitly that he would tell the world about Nibiru if Donald J. Trump loses the presidential election. In July and August, we ran a series of articles highlighting a three decade long secret war between the White House and the Kremlin, culminating in a confidential agreement between Putin and Trump. Putin promised nibiru3to remain silent about Nibiru, and in exchange, Trump vowed to dismantle and expose the Nibiru cover-up as his first presidential act. At the time, Trump’s ascension to the White House seemed certain. In light of recent events, however, Trump’s presidential bid is in serious jeopardy, and Vladimir Putin has strong fears that Trump will lose the election and thus be unable to make good on his promise.


A Foreign Service Report, translated by the Russian Ministry of Defense, details Putin’s inner turmoil: “President Putin no like Hillary Clinton Lady. She very, very evil. When President Putin and Mr. Trump met, we had no doubt he would be next American President and reveal Nibiru. Comrade Trump we like him very much. He is wealthy and wise, but he put foot in mouth many times, and this Hillary lady has the dirt on him. Now Putin thinks real chance Trump will lose. And this will force Putin to act without hesitation.”


President Putin, the report continues, will refrain from making a decision until November 8, when election results are tallied. He has promised not to make an announcement based solely on exit polls. In the event of a Trump defeat, Putin plans immediately to disclose Nibiru on all major Russian television networks, including RT news. According to usually reliable sources, Putin has a hidden broadcasting planet_x-collision-900x450location in an underground bunker somewhere in the enclave of Kaliningrad. From this secret fortress, Putin will act quickly and decisively, before Hillary Clinton has an opportunity to launch an offensive that would forever scuttle his chances of eviscerating the Nibiru cover-up.


“We have no doubt that Hillary Clinton is prepared to take any and all actions to prevent Nibiru disclosure,” a source within the Kremlin said. “She may even try to drone strike President Putin. But we have taken all precautions to ensure President Putin’s safety and guarantee that the world will know about these Nibiru. We still hope Trump wins and none of this becomes necessary.”


That comment represents an alarming revelation: it implies that Hillary Clinton is willing to risk World War III to stop Vladimir Putin from uttering the word Nibiru."



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