Ovni lumineux au-dessus d'une petite ville du Brésil en février 2016 - 27 mars 2016

Date : 09 février 2016

Localisation : Braganca Paulista, Brésil

Source : MUFON  75458

Voici un Ovni lumineux de forme discoïde configuré comme une roue.

Témoignage :

It was a Tuesday, the end of Carnival, around 23 pm, I was resting in the hotel room balcony (Hotel Villa St. Augustine - in Braganca Paulista) when I noticed a very bright object, which initially I thought was a plane that it was more than 1 hour in the same region of the sky. I took pictures and recorded video, which was what I could do, but to this day I do not know what I saw

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