Alien Photo Taiwan

Taiwan UFO Group Investigates 'Transparent Alien' Photo (Video)

January 03, 2013 06:00 AM EST

A UFO group in Taiwan is asking for expert help to authenticate a photo of a "transparent alien" walking along a remote country road. What is it?

The photo, taken by a policeman in Taiwan's Taitung County in early December, shows a ghostly, see-through figure walking in the distance. The figure is human-shaped, stooped, extremely tall and, when enlarged, appears to be transparent.

Chinese media has jumped on the story, as evidenced by the video attached below.

According to the International Business Times, photo experts in Taiwan are asking for help to identify whether the picture, taken with an iPhone, has any chance of being real.

Image processing expert Chien Jung-tai isn't so sure. He says the double lines outlining the figure could have resulted from a shaking motion, or were perhaps a leftover digital image, although remarking that "(I)t does not appear to be an edited photo."

Calling on iPhone experts to examine the image more closely, Jung-tai at least appears to be stumped. The video attached here is in Chinese, but the message is obvious.

What is it?

Here's the video:

What do you think? Is this evidence of an alien visiting Earth? Is the Taiwanese UFO group on to something?

Combien de civilisations extra-terrestres ?

At last, how many alien civilizations are there? December 3, 2012 by Bruno Martini Frank Drake writes out his formula for estimating alien life in the galaxy, the Drake Equation. During the space age, 1961 was a special year: the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit Earth, while the American astronomer Frank Drake developed the now famous Drake Equation. This equation estimates the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy, supposing our present electromagnetic detection methods. The Drake equation states: 

N = Ns x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x fL N = number of alien civilizations in the Milky Way Ns = estimated number of stars in the Milky Way; fp = fraction or percentage of these stars with planets on its orbits; ne = average number of these planets with potential to host life as we know it; fl = percentage of these planets that actually develop life; fi = percentage of these planets that actually develop intelligence on human level; fc = percentage of these civilizations that actually develop electromagnetic radiation emitting technologies; fL = percentage of these civilizations that keep emitting electromagnetic signals to space. This factor is extremely dependent on the lifetime a civilization remains electromagnetic communicative. Looking to the Drake equation factors, it is obvious that none can be precisely determined by modern science. More than that, as we move from the left to right in the equation, estimating each factor becomes more controversial. The later terms are highly speculative, and the values one may attribute to each of them might tell more about a person's beliefs than about scientific facts. EnlargeGaussian or bell curve showing the probability of finding the nearest extra terrestrial civilization from Earth. Credit: Maccone (2010)But the Drake equation must not be evaluated only by the numerical values it produces. Some say the Drake equation is a way to organize our ignorance. By exposing the extraterrestrial intelligence hypothesis mathematically, we limit the real possibilities to each term and approach the final answer: how many alien civilizations are there?

The L term is considered the most important one in Drake equation. We have no idea how long a technological civilization can last. Even if only one extraterrestrial civilization lasts for billions of years, or becomes immortal, the L factor would be enough to reduce Drake's equation to N = L. Actually, Frank Drake recognizes this in his license plate: " NEQLSL " Among dozens of papers written about the Drake Equation, some have suggested new considerations for the formula. One such paper stands out for adding well-established probabilistic principles from statistics. In 2010, the Italian astronomer Claudio Maccone published in the journal Acta Astronautica the Statistical Drake Equation (SDE). It is mathematically more complex and robust than the Classical Drake Equation (CDE). The SDE is based on the Central Limit Theorem, which states that given the enough number of independent random variables with finite mean and variance, those variables will be normally distributed as represented by a Gaussian or bell curve in a plot. In this way, each of the seven factors of the Drake Equation become independent positive random variables. In his paper, Maccone tested his SDE using values usually accepted by the SETI community, and the results may be good news for the "alien hunters". Although the numerical results were not his objective, Maccone estimated with his SDE that our galaxy may harbor 4,590 extraterrestrial civilizations. Assuming the same values for each term the Classical Drake Equation estimates only 3,500. So the SDE adds more than 1,000 civilizations to the previous estimate. Another SDE advantage is to incorporate the standard variation concept, which shows how much variation exists from the average value. In this case the standard variation concept is pretty high: 11,195. In other words, besides human society, zero to 15,785 advanced technological societies could exist in the Milky Way. If those galactic societies were equally spaced, they could be at an average distance of 28,845 light-years apart. That's too far to have a dialogue with them, even through electromagnetic radiation traveling in the speed of light. So, even with such a potentially high number of advanced civilizations, interstellar communication would still be a major technological challenge. Still, according to SDE, the average distance we should expect to find any alien intelligent life form may be 2,670 light-years from Earth. There is a 75% chance we could find ET between 1,361 and 3,979 light-years away. 500 light-years away, the chance of detecting any signal from an advanced civilization approaches zero. And that is exactly the range in which our present technology is searching for extraterrestrial radio signals. So, the "Great Silence" detected by our radio telescopes is not discouraging at all. Our signals just need to travel a little farther – at least 900 light years more – before they have a high chance of coming across an advanced alien civilization. Source:

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At last, how many alien civilizations are there?

400 000 civilisations existeraient dans notre galaxie

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Les scientifiques américains ont pu réaliser à l’aide du Green Bank Telescope - le plus grand radiotélescope orientable du monde - une expérience consistant en la recherche de signaux d’origine artificielle. Le groupe de chercheurs n’a pas réussi à détecter ces signaux, mais a donné une estimation du nombre potentiel des civilisations extraterrestres. D’après les chercheurs, seulement une étoile sur un million peut être habitable dans notre galaxie, indique l’article à paraitre dans le Astrophysical Journal.

L’équipe de recherche de l'université de Californie à Berkeley dirigée par Andrew Siemion a « écouté » 86 étoiles de février à avril 2011, non loin desquelles se trouvaient des planètes ressemblant à la Terre, d’après le télescope Kepler. Les recherches ont été menées sur des fréquences entre1,1 et 1,9 GHz, qui sont utilisées sur Terre pour la diffusion de la télévision et la transmission du signal des téléphones portables.

« Nous n’avons pas trouvé de signaux extraterrestres, mais avons réussi à utiliser des données statistiques pour établir une limite du nombre de civilisations extraterrestres qui peuvent transmettre un signal dans cette bande de fréquences », a souligné Siemion.

Selon les estimations des scientifiques, dans notre Galaxie, seule une civilisation sur un million est suffisamment développée pour être « entendue ». Tenant compte du fait que notre Galaxie contient environ 200 à 400 milliards d’étoiles, cela signifie que quelques centaines de milliers de civilisations existeraient dans la Voie lactée. /L