Mars : de nouvelles découvertes - 21 avril 2016

Date : 20 avril 2016

Lieu : Mars

Source :

On découvre un grand visage sculpté monté d'un casque, un petit animal se tenant debout sur un rocher, un coquillage avec une petite tête sculptée à l'intérieur, une grenouille avec une crête de coq et un petit casque à côté... l'art martien est varié !

Ci-dessous la vidéo de Whatsupinthesky37



Commentaire de la vidéo :


This image from SOL 1044 was taken from the MASTCAM on the Curiosity Rover. It looks to show a destroyed statue with what looks to be a human style bust along with many other seemingly intelligently made artifacts. Thanks to Todd for posting this. This may have been found before it is amazing how many eyes are on these now. In this video I use the RAW image since it has been 6 months since the original image has come out. That allows me to start with a picture that has not been saved at 70 percent quality and saved with JPG artifacts all over them. I have battled these for years and if an image is within that 6 month time period I will do my best with the it from the nasa "Raw Image" database on their website. What in the world is going on all over here! Make sure you check out the website article because I uploaded the whole mosiac that was in the video to download and have it in super high resolution for you to take a look at. The whole image is littered with what we call "Uncle Jakes Junkyard" over here. 


So what do you see? What did I miss? Just rocks? Weathered? Artifacts? I usually don't do heads but this one sure looks like a human style face from the side with some sort of helmet on it. Even if that is wrong the pyramid style point next to it was amazing. 

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