Ovnis, Orbes,  ou satellites dans le ciel nocturne Parisien le 03 juillet 2016 ?

Date : 03 juillet 2016

Lieu : Paris

Source : WTF Flow de YouTube


Deux Orbes blanches lumineuses traversent le ciel Parisien en haute altitude par une nuit étoilée; les trajectoires des deux objets sont les mêmes et rectilignes.

Bien évidemment on pense à deux Orbes en activité mais l'hypothèse de deux satellites, ou de l'ISS pour le plus gros point blanc et d'un autre satellite n'est pas à exclure car il n' y a pas de trajectoire circulaire ou en zigzag ! 

Le témoin : 


 One of the first convincing nighttime sightings I recorded with my Sony A7s camera. While I was pointing a laser to some stars in the sky, two clear objects flying at different speeds crossed the sky.

I didn’t notice them when they appeared. After checking the footage on my PC, I noticed a pretty weird fast object glowing regularly. I first thought it was a meteor, but its constant speed and trajectory suggest something else. Indeed, I zoomed in and animated the position of the video to put the object in the center, and followed its trajectory: the object doesn’t change its speed and keeps its trajectory in a straight line. My guess is that it was some sort of propelled object, either reflecting light from an external source, or emitting its own light (a craft?).


Author (WTFflow @ Youtube)

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