Ovni en forme de méduse géante au-dessus des Caraïbes - 22 septembre 2016

Date de l' observation: 18 septembre 2016

Lieu d'observation:  Caraïbes


Cet Ovni a peut-être provoqué un orage afin d'y puiser secondairement de l'énergie ?

Les arcs électriques créent cette forme de méduse géante et la foudre causera des dégâts sur Terre.



Témoignage :


This is a copy and paste from the Nasa website spaceweather.com: 'A-BOMB' SPRITE OVER THE CARIBBEAN:


On Sept. 18th, Frankie Lucena of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, photographed an enormous sprite over the Caribbean Sea. For a split-second, the sky was illuminated by a mushroom-shaped flash:Oscar van der Velde, a member of the Lightning Research Group at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, explains what Lucena photographed:

"This type of sprite is often called 'jellyfish' or 'A-bomb,' and ranks as the largest type of sprite in both horizontal and vertical dimensions," he says.


"It consists of a bright halo approximately 85 km above Earth's surface surrounding sprite elements with long tendrils reaching down as low as ~30 km above ground level."

"This kind of sprite tends to be triggered by a very impulsive positive cloud-to-ground flash," van der Velde adds.

The curious thing is, Lucena did not observe an instigating lightning bolt. Instead, just before the sprite appeared, he recorded a bright point-like flash of light.

"Was it a cosmic ray hitting the camera?"  wonders Lucena.


Play the entire video to see the flash.


Another possibility: The point-like flash could have been a cloud-to-ground strike mostly eclipsed by intervening clouds. If Lucena did photograph something new triggering a sprite, perhaps it shouldn't come as a big surprise. The field is relatively new. Although sprites have been seen for at least a century, most scientists did not believe they existed until after 1989 when sprites were photographed by cameras onboard the space shuttle. There is still much to learn.

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