USA : Ovni dans le ciel de Fresno en Californie (10 nov. 2016) , menace d'un tremblement de Terre ?  - 12 novembre 2016

Date ; 10 novembre 2016

Lieu : Fresno, Californie, USA

Source : MUFON cas 80359

Voici l'observation d'un disque volant inconnu sombre et d'aspect métallique.

Il existe une zone floutée autour de l'engin directement en rapport avec la technologie de son mode de propulsion.

Est-il entrain d'examiner la ligne de faille géologique de San, en décrochement, à la jonction des plaques tectoniques du Pacifique et de l'Amérique.

Cette grande faille qui passe notamment par San Francisco et Los Angeles a déjà provoqué des séismes très importants et dévastateurs en Californie.


Témoignage :



"I was in my backyard in Fresno,Ca. I was taking random photos of the sky just before and during sunset.

The weather was warm with scattered light clouds. I did not see the object in question I only saw the object on my photo after I uploaded it to my Mac iPhoto.

I was very surprised and taken back when I captured another UFO on my photos. This clearly did not look like a typical plane. This object was ovals/disc shaped and solid black with no windows, wings and not sound. It must have travelled fast since I did not see it.

I was the only person in my backyard.

This happened on November 11, 2016 around 6pm or so.

I have over 200 photos of UFO's that I have when I take random photos of the sky. Some photos have one other may have three objects. I do not have photoshop. I own a Nikon D3300. I have also included other photos to share. "

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