Colombie : Ovni filmé de la piscine d'un hôtel le 11 décembre 2016 - 14 décembre 2016

Date de l' observation: 11 décembre 2016

Lieu d'observation:  Bucaramanga, Columbia

Source: MUFON # 80946


Un OVNI vient d' apparaître dans le ciel proche de cette piscine d' hôtel. Le témoin est sur le toit de la piscine qui semble hazut de 20 étages.

 Avez - vous remarqué que la couleur de l' OVNI est légèrement modifié pour les 2/3 inférieurs de l'engin, la partie supérieure étant  beaucoup plus sombre, plus métallique ?  S'agit-il d'un camouflage ? 

Le témoin :


"I WAS around the pool of my hotel taking sun on sunny, clear day when I saw something in the sky, I talk with my friend was beside I he saw too it our first impression was a paraglider but my friend said cant because it was very high and the shape does not like that, it was moving slow and looks like hovering over the city, I took my camera as soon I can I try to focus the object no was easy to focus only I take just one I try to take another one but it was going to the North and was moving fast and after it was gone."


Commentaire : cerf volant ?


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