Ovnis lumineux dans le ciel de la Colombie Britannique, Canada

Date : 27 Avril 2017

Lieu : Colombie Britannique, Canada

Source : MUFON

Ces 4 orbes se déplacent de manière harmonieuse à équidistance !

Il y a fort à parier qu'il s'agit d'un même aéronef et les lumières correspondent probablement au système de propulsion.

Ces lumières sont visibles en raison de l'inclinaison des rayons du soleil et du climat .


Le témoin


"On Thursday April 27, 2017 at approximately 7:30 pm in West Kelowna, British Columbia, I was traveling home with my 3 daughters. My 6-year-old daughter said 'Daddy, what are those flashing lights in the sky?'


I was traveling in the southwest direction and I looked up to my left and I noticed several (approximately 6) flashing lights up in the sky that appeared to flashing and what I would describe as dancing in the sky.




At first, I wasn't sure what to make of them. I thought they were some sort of flares or even military aircraft doing some sort of exercise. But since I live in the Okanagan valley and there is no Air Force bases in the area, I knew they were not any of conventional military aircraft. 


The objects that I was observing were absolutely silent.


Given the way these objects were moving in the sky, I then realized that what I was witnessing was not a normal or easily explainable occurrence and was most likely Extra-Terrestrial in nature.


I quickly pulled off to the side of the road and grabbed my phone got out of my vehicle to start video recording the lights."

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